What Is Service Level Management?


Service Level Management (SLM), is a process that ensures services (and, therefore, service levels), are defined, negotiated and delivered.

It enables IT resources to be planned accurately, thereby limiting costs and achieving a more consistent customer experience. Regular reporting and KPIs also allow for rapid reaction to any irregularities.

SLM begins with the establishment of service level agreement and metrics. The goal is to set customer expectations that are realistic. These can range from the amount of time it takes to respond to a ticket, through to the resolution of the issue.

A strong SLM culture is also dependent on the development and implementation of training materials. This includes identifying requirements for training and testing staff members in order to ensure that they are retained.

Continuously monitoring performance and adjusting service levels to keep customers happy is another important aspect of SLM. SLM allows the company to continuously improve their offerings and build a relationship of trust with their customers – an important component in winning new business.

SLM also includes improving customer satisfaction as it can increase revenue and value. It is therefore imperative that the IT department and the business department constantly look for new ways to improve customer satisfaction.

Service level management, a complex and continuous process, requires a solid team and processes. It requires a group of specialists that can be trusted to identify problems and issues prior to them becoming critical. It’s also essential to have the right tools for managing SLAs and OLAs, such as alert workflows, system context, and more.

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